When I found out they were going to charge me $40 at Petsmart, I told them to cut it really short. I figured that way it would at least be awhile before I had to plunk down $40 again for another dog haircut. The result is a bit ridiculous.
Baxter before haircut:

Baxter after haircut:

Now that is SHORT. It's the kind of haircut that makes me wonder if dogs have any self-awareness. Does Baxter know how ridiculous he looks? Does he feel self-conscious when we go for walks and the other neighborhood dogs see him like this? Does he realize that the haircut has revealed that he has a really small head?
The poor guy seems to be shivering a lot, so hopefully it will warm up soon or I might have to get him one of those ridiculous sweaters, which will make him look even more pitiful.
Anyway, so there's a non-sports post for you. I'll try to tie it to sports, though. My next post will be about the most famous dog-abuser in human history, Michael Vick.
Yay! You have a blog! Are you sure that's Baxter? Maybe they gave you the wrong dog.