Thursday, April 16, 2009

The shortest dog haircut in history

This is only my second post and I'm already straying from my sports theme. But this was just too funny to exclude from the Internets/web-o-spheres/series of tubes. On Wednesday I took my dog, Baxter, to get a haircut. I had let his hair get pretty long and he was starting to get overheated easily (he's part Lhasa Apso, which is a breed native to Tibet, so even the 75-degree days we've been having in KC lately are a little warm for him).

When I found out they were going to charge me $40 at Petsmart, I told them to cut it really short. I figured that way it would at least be awhile before I had to plunk down $40 again for another dog haircut. The result is a bit ridiculous.
Baxter before haircut:

Baxter after haircut:

Now that is SHORT. It's the kind of haircut that makes me wonder if dogs have any self-awareness. Does Baxter know how ridiculous he looks? Does he feel self-conscious when we go for walks and the other neighborhood dogs see him like this? Does he realize that the haircut has revealed that he has a really small head?

The poor guy seems to be shivering a lot, so hopefully it will warm up soon or I might have to get him one of those ridiculous sweaters, which will make him look even more pitiful.
Anyway, so there's a non-sports post for you. I'll try to tie it to sports, though. My next post will be about the most famous dog-abuser in human history, Michael Vick.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You have a blog! Are you sure that's Baxter? Maybe they gave you the wrong dog.
