1. Adorable nieces: Ellie is about 3 and a half now and she knows all her alphabet, can count to 10 and loves to sing and dance. Elizabeth is only 3 months, but she is an incredibly smiley, happy baby, which is about the most you can ask for at that age.

2. College campuses on Lake Michigan: Northwestern University has a pretty good recruiting tool. I don't know if I can see myself going there for grad school yet, but I sure enjoy imagining this beach full of college girls on a summer day.

3. Minnesota friends: The last five months since I moved have been better than I thought they'd be in terms of social life. It's pretty nice to just fall back in with a group of friends as if you'd never left.
4. Kansas City: Winter break can't come fast enough. I miss so many people down there and can't wait to go to Oklahoma Joe's, watch college basketball (KU and MidAmerica) and enjoy the relatively warm (as in, not below zero) climate. New Year's will be a blast.
5. Walking around a big city: It was amazing just to be able to walk around Chicago, get on and off the El, look at all the different shops and restaurants and just basically enjoy being mobile and independent. Appreciate your health every day. It's such a gift.
Addendum (one more thing I'm thankful for):
The approaching end of the college football season. Gophers + Jayhawks = Yikes. C'mon guys, give me something worth watching next year, please.
Let us know when you're in KC we'd love to go to Oklahoma Joe's with you and hang out!